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I’ve always believed that necessity is the mother of invention and being comfortable is never an option. As a creative entrepreneur there are new ideas consistently running through my head, and I’m always looking for opportunities to market them.

Originally from Guatemala, born into a family of inventors and business owners, the option to dream big is genetic. With a degree and background in graphic design, I started my large-format digital printing business in Chicago about 20 years ago. Seeing the printing process as an art form rather than an industrial practice, I immediately began to collaborate with other artists to see what it would be like to reproduce their artwork onto various print media using different applications. This is when the idea to turn my workspace into an exhibition space came to be.

Working with artists and watching their artwork transpire into unique print applications has been a journey of discovery for me. Now that I’ve realized my capabilities as a printer, I’m able to support my creative endeavor—making furniture from reclaimed materials. Using power tools and building anything and everything since I can remember, I now find great satisfaction in collecting old window frames, vintage hardware, tearing down barns, and seeing what develops.

If you have an idea for a project, but don’t know how to see it through, let me help you figure it out. Don’t worry about!



I Have been approving and protecting these unique pieces for more than two years now. I love hanging out on my favorite spot making sure everything is under control.